Melani's gastric cancer patient story told through an AI portrait
headshot of Melani Vincelli

“Yeah, I’ve been through hell, But I think it’s made me a better person. So, I would never change where I’ve been and who I’ve become.”

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Cancer is disruptive, to put it mildly. It changes everything about your life. No matter what path you were on or where you thought you were headed, cancer shifts it.

When I was first diagnosed with gastric cancer, I was confident that I would beat it. I’m sure some doctors would have called me overly ambitious, but I knew I could do it. However even with this fortitude, everything changed.

With cancer came some darkness; I lost my career, my sense of identity and even my hair. But I think cancer also provided me with a new sense of clarity. It showed me a path for my life.

Fifteen years ago, when I was looking for answers on how to treat my cancer, it was difficult to find resources. I had no one to help me through it, but I didn’t let that crush my spirit. I was determined to survive for my family. And I did.

As a result of my determination, I’ve had the joy of watching my beautiful granddaughter grow up and become one of my favorite people in the world.

So, with the knowledge I’d gained, I decided I wanted to be a guide for others and dedicate my time to advocacy by working with Debbie’s Dream Foundation. Living with cancer is not linear. It can stop, restart and take unexpected turns, with each step forward often leading to new uncertainties. When someone with cancer feels lost, scared, or disoriented, I want to help them find their path in the maze and to give them some hope or direction.

Even though cancer has completely altered my life’s trajectory, it’s also shaped my life’s purpose. I truly find joy in helping others navigate through cancer’s many complexities, and I think that my mindset has been changed for the better.

Help others better understand the experiences of those living with cancer.